正規留学編インターンシップ編 HOME
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<留学ボキャブラリー> インターンシップ編



I see.
I got it.
I understand.

Yes,I think so too.
Yes,I quite agree ,too.

I probably think so.
May be, I think so.
Perphaps,I suppose so.

I do not think so.
I do not agree with it.

I do not know about it.
I do not understand concerning it.

I am not at the position to answer it.
I am not the person who shold answer it.
Due to my position,I am not supposed to answer it.

I,as a ……, do not understand.
I by my self do not know about it.

I will ask some one who knows about it.

It's done.
It's alright.
It's OK.(カジュアルな言い方)

Sorry, what did you say?
I beg your pardon?
Pardon me.

I will do it.

Please let me do it.
Please give me an opportunity to do it.

I did do it.
I have done it.

When should I finish it?
BY when should I do it.

Who could I ask for?
Who should I speak to?

Where should I go?
Would you please tell me where to go?

Where should I look for?
Do you have any idea where to search?

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